Marie - My Silly Days (Mana Khemia 2 OST) (English Translation)

Around me, life has been stuffed with useless junks
My eyes seem awkward as they gaze at the atelier's window
But stop, look at me, and catch
From now on, we shall advance through our unrelaxing days together

That's right, just a little bit nonsense is fun too
Just like a map full of random scribbles

Thus now, because I wanna see your bored face
Thus, because I always wanna hear your mundane dreams
Can you come by my side for just a bit? Not that I'm hungry...

Even if I tried with all my power
I could do it... not, I'd just end up tired next morning
But you smiled at my silly failure
What kind of "Alright?" face should I be expressing!

That's right, pretending to be tough ends up being fake strength
Just like a broken thrown away doll

Thus, because today I want you babble pointless words
Thus tomorrow, because I wanna hear your horrible singing
Can you stay by my side for just a bit?
Just a little bit anyway

One day, in that atelier, you taught me
The picture book that you like, the old calm songs

Thus, because one day I wanna teach you too
Thus sometimes, because I wanna try behaving like a spoiled child to you
Thus always, because I wanna enjoy those good-for-nothing talks
Thus, because I always want to stay by you and laugh happily
No, I didn't say I like you. Didn't say that... got it?

~ Kanji lyrics @ this forum
~ Romanization here
~ Credit Lazy @ Ar Tonelico Forum if you post this translation anywhere =)